Research Outcomes on LEDs

Hello everyone,
We at ICLS in collaboration with the Technical Committee of Imago (International Federation of Cinematographers) are pleased to invite you to our joint panel discussion “Research Outcomes on LEDs” on 7 September 2024 @ 12.00 pm (PDT). At this event, the panelists will review the latest results of LEDs tests and provide recommendations for a possible path forward. The panel will consist of panelists like: Mr. Philippe Ros, AFC, Cinematographer and Co-chair of the IMAGO Technical Committee; Mr. Ville Penttila, Estonian Gaffer (ICLS) and Partner of Angel Films; Mr. Eric Chérioux, CST Technical Manager (French Higher Technical Commission for Sound and Images); and Mr. David Stump, ASC, BVK, MITC, and Co-chair of the IMAGO Technical Committee. Join us!
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!
ICLS Secretariat